
Revival is the destination for beautiful, high quality, affordable rugs. Since 2017, we've been Revival's design partner helping bring the brand to life as it has grown into a multi-million dollar business. From brand identity design to a robust Shopify Plus website, to packaging and direct mail, we've designed it all for Revival – a small selection of which is below.

Shoppe Theory has been game changing for Revival. The firm plays an integral role in everything we do. From day 1, they’ve creatively shaped our visual identity as a brand, and they’ve become our partners as we’ve grown the company. From website refreshes to product launches, Shoppe Theory has been there every step of the way, and we feel extremely fortunate to have them on Revival’s team!

Ben H.
Founder & CEO of Revival
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Tell us about your brand and business challenges, even if you’re not sure you're ready to start a project. We’ll offer our insights to help inform your next steps!